Let's begin!
We're providing the iOS app which can be fit with identified screen protectors.
Basic information of the identified screen protector and usage information such as attachment date, place of purchase, and period of use are integrated.
You can choose the privacy email option.
We do not collect your personal information without your consent.

In-App event
Check out the various events we offer

Preview & Experience
Match the tracing image provided as In-app feature to the tracing image which printed in the same size on the screen protector.
Justfit's surprisingly intuitive and simple idea is a reminder of just how difficult and demanding the attachment method has been up to now.

Install with Tracing image
Installation the screen protector is easier than you think, Prevents multi-touch and pinch functions that can distort the tracing image during the installation process.
The advantage of the tracing method is that it can be applied equally to all device sizes.
A screen protector for the large iPad will be released this fall.